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Matchpint app

How we helped MatchPint change the way people watch sport

MatchPint's thriving online community didn't translate into high app engagement.

Fans used their phone to find pubs showing their sporting event of choice but then put their device away. Low engagement for any company is bad – for a company built around a community, it can be catastrophic.

Knowing that we deliver not only digital products but also the strategy to power them, MatchPint contacted us for help.

- See how we did it and the results below.

Matchpint mobile screen

The solution

Working closely with MatchPint, we held a discovery week to create a prototype app that went further than being simply a utility tool.

After testing with users and responsively refining, we built a new app with a revamped look and feel, focusing on what the users wanted: an easy-to-access feed of interesting and useful sports information.

Using a single search function – encompassing pubs, fixtures, offers and more – it allowed users to find what they wanted, faster.

Half price Guinness, you say? Thank you very much.

The result

The new app saw a 50% increase in engagement, a 25% increase in monthly sign-ups and doubled retention rate. On the back of this momentum, MatchPint went on to cement brand partnerships with Guinness for the Six Nations and Budweiser for the 2018 World Cup, and continues to grow powered by our product.

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